Zinc Brown


A yellow-brown, so yellow that it might fairly have been classed with

the ochrous colours of that denomination, is made by combining zinc with

another metal by the aid of heat. Experience tells us that it is,

chemically, a thoroughly good and stable pigment. Safely to be used in

admixture, it is a clear, bright colour, affording good greens by

compounding with blue. Of no great power, and semi-opaque, this

or brown-yellow is superior to some of the pigments at

present used, but is probably too much like them in hue and other

properties to be of any special value.

* * * * *

Besides the preceding, there are those browns of a citrine or russet

cast which are elsewhere described, such as raw umber, madder brown, &c.

Moreover, there are numberless other varieties, obtainable from most of

the metals, from many organic substances, and from a combination of the

two. Of all colours, a 'new' brown is the most easily discovered:

success may not be met with in seeking a yellow, red, or blue, or an

orange, green, or purple; but it is strange if in the course of one's

experiments a brown does not turn up. No difficulty, therefore, would

have been found in greatly extending the present list; but it was felt

that no advantage could have accrued by further multiplying the notices

of a colour, with which we are already furnished so abundantly by nature

and art, and which is capable of being produced in such profusion by


With the exception of ivory and bone browns, and perhaps Cassel and

Cologne earths, all the browns commonly employed may be considered more

or less durable.


