Reflective Power Of Color

The following table will give an idea of the percentage of light reflected from ordinary wall-hangings and papers:

Per Cent.

White blotting-paper .82
White cartridge-paper .80
Ordinary foolscap .70
Ordinary newspaper .50 to .70
Chrome yellow paper .62
Orange paper .50
Yellow wall-paper .40
Yellow painted wall (clean) .40
Tracing cloth, pale blue .35
Light pink paper .36
Blue paper .25
Emerald green .18
Dark brown paper .13
Vermilion paper .12
Blue green paper .12
Cobalt blue paper .12
Black paper 0.5
Deep chocolate paper 0.4
French ultramarine blue paper 3.5
Black cloth 1.2
Black velvet 0.4


151. It is very difficult to select practical artificial illuminants, because of the various color properties possessed by each. A Welsbach mantle, which gives a greenish tint, is pretty sure to alter the character of any color other than green. Incandescent electric light, as well as ordinary gaslight, contains a yellow tint.


